Back in the old days, I always used Windows (mostly Windows 7) as my main OS. And then I had an upgrade to Windows 8.1, and then to 10, I tried 11, etc... Basically, I kinda tried all of the modern Windows PC versions, but when I got into development (mostly in Windows 8.1 & 10), after some time, I heard of this thing called Linux. I always thought it was a cool thing, and I tried to install Ubuntu next to my Windows. I remember I accidentally deleted Windows while trying to delete the Ubuntu (I don't know why I wanted to delete it), good old times. After some time, I finally got into Linux because I disliked Windows because of privacy issues like where we couldn't delete Microsoft Edge (I think we still can't). I usually dual-booted and deleted the Linux distribution, after a point where I completely switched to Linux. If I remember correctly, the first distro that I chose to use as a daily OS instead of Windows was Debian, but I don't remember. And then I switched distributions a lot. But one of the cool things is you could keep your /home partition as it is after reinstallation or switching to a different distribution, this way, you could access your data without too much hassle. This was a pro against Windows. But after some point, I felt I was missing something - cool stuff. I saw cool stuff like these on the Internet:

[ i3 ] Messing around with picom, polybar and conky
by u/WallaceThiago95 in unixporn
[Hyprland] With waybar Minimal and clean with pywal16
by u/niksingh710 in unixporn

And I thought these were cool. Although I was not very successful, I managed to install Hyprland with a ready config [rice in Linux terminology (?)], and I liked it, but as I couldn't set it up very well, I switched to a normal DE (desktop environment) again, where I started. But as I said, I was looking for the cool stuff. And I said to myself, what's the point of using Linux on a desktop? Linux is awesome for servers, but we are talking about a desktop here. Also, there were a lot of applications that were not supported on Linux. As I just said, in our current time, Linux is not intended to be used in desktops but servers, and the opposite for Windows (although there is a Windows Server edition, I'd say Linux is superior in servers). I asked my friends, and they told me to switch to Windows too. And if I ever needed Linux to do some cool stuff since I am a system administrator alongside being a developer, WSL exists, which lets you have a Linux system directly in your Windows PC. And I decided I should switch to Windows for all of the reasons I just stated. I'm currently writing this blog entry in Windows 10, and I can say that the desktop experience is better, but I'll probably always use Linux on servers.

At the end of the day, the goal is to get shit done.

P.S.: I'm not using the default Windows 10, like the one without any modifications. When I did a clean install of Windows 10, I installed AtlasOS which is what I'm looking for since I care about my privacy and the speed of my system, as well as not having bloatware like Microsoft Edge in my system which I can't even remove with default installation.

I switched to Windows from Linux on my PC, but why?